Monday 19th October
Me and dad got up at 8:30 and checked the waves, we waited there for about 15 minutes wondering to go out or not. We ended up going out and the waves were better than I expected. I only stayed out for an hour and a half because I caught a lot of waves and got tired. The first wave I caught was a long left hander but it was weak. I ended catching about 10 waves than went home.
Tuesday 20th - Wednesday 21st October
On Tuesday and Wednesday I was relaxing doing digital art on procreate. I’ve been doing this piece for a while now but I have almost finished it
Thursday 22nd October
Today me and dad traveled t Dunedin to go surfing. On the way we got pies for breakfast at Palmerston. When we got to Dunedin we checked blackhead than St Clair and than St Kilda.we ended up going out at St Clair. At the start I didn’t catch many waves cause I didn’t know where to sit, but than after a while I caught around 3 good waves. After the surf we got rice balls for lunch than we went home.